ANSWER: Smell During Heat. According to recent research studies on comparing the olfactory ability of various breeds of dogs, pugs outperform German Shepherds in finding targets in a box full of pine shavings (Hall 2015). That corn chips smell you’re smelling, could be your dog’s natural smell or it could be a result of a bacteria known as Proteus or Pseudomonas. Why Do Pugs Smell Like Corn Chips? It is really bad and she has lots of gas, this pug can clear a room. Pugs may not smell as good as a Dachsund, but they do have a great sense of smell. If it’s because your pug has a sensitive stomach, you might need to change the diet. Let's take a look, at why your four-legged friend smells so bad and what you can do about it. Pugs are one of the top 10 stinkiest dog breeds, along with the English Bulldog, the Boxer, the Beagle, The Yorkie… (I can also vouch for the last one)! However, some dog breeds do stink worse than others. The smell can be from any or a combination of the following: Yeast infection - The face and ears and often the entire dog have an unpleasant smell. Pugs are renowned for extreme gassiness due to their flat faces (a Brachycephalic trait) and inappropriate diet. The nose roll gets dirty quickly and when you clean it out, the stuff you remove stinks. However, it’s not unusual to sense other smells coming from a female, that you may not smell with a male. If your pug is born with a narrowed duct, surgery may be indicated. and should always be taken seriously. Why Does My Pugs Farts Smell So Bad, My Friend Has The Sister Of My Pug And It Don't Have The Same Problem,? Dental Problems. However, while most odors have a simple solution, some can be caused by more serious underlying problems. Yes, pugs turn out to have an excellent sense of smell. Why Does My Female Pug Smell Like Fish. The … If that's the case with your pug, you can give baths during this time and change diapers more frequently in order to reduce the smell. All canine’s feet smell like Fritos aka corn chips, because they sweat through their foot pads. Why Do Pugs Smell So Much? The number one cause of bad breath in dogs, just like people, is the build-up of plaque and tartar on their teeth. The best treatment is prevention! Usually, we’re talking about dogs with a lot of skin creases where dirt accumulates or those with inherent skin conditions and a tendency to bloat. It’s just that dog owners are so used to the doggie smell that they stop noticing it. Why so stinky? If the anal glands aren’t emptying because your pug’s poo is too soft, we need to figure out why. A sudden change in odor in your dog is often a sign of illness (or skunks!) Why Do Pugs Dig Dogs in the wild need to dig holes to survive for reasons like sleeping, hiding, or sheltering from extremely hot or cold weather. It is nauseating. All dogs smell, despite what you might have heard. Just like males females suffer from anal gland secretions that give off that nasty fishy smell. The impulse to dig is just one of several wild instincts that remain in domesticated dog’s today . When female pugs are in heat they could smell worse than usual, due to the mixture of blood, endometrial tissue and watery body fluids. Regardless of natural stink-itude, all dogs benefit from regular brushing, bathing, dental checkups, ear cleaning, and anal gland checks.