The ACTION_SEND helps to open the share intent where you will share your required data. Android provide us an Intent by which we can use to share image, video, audio, to share app link in android programmatically using android studio. So today we will learn in this blog how to share text and images together on other apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. We know that sometimes the applications created by us need to share images and text together. But it seems like every time you use this function, the list of apps is in a different order — especially when it comes to the Direct Share targets at the top. This section covers some common ways you can send and receive simple data (like text, images and files) between applications using the Android Sharesheet and Intent Resolver with Intent objects. In an intent, we can set the action to be performed (sharing in our case), set the type of extras we will share ( text, image or any other format), pass all the extras to be shared (text and/or image) and finally call the Android system to provide the list of the available apps in the device which accepts this type of sharing. Here are a few common MIME types when sending simple data in Android. but … So, In this section, we’ll share a simple text using intent… This category is set by the activity’s startActivity() method. Share image and text on facebook using intent in android Download Source code here Manifest.xml: Add the following permission in you mainfest.xml: