Kench 68408 1. Anyone knows why when i eat a team mate with tahm kench he crash him instantly without i reactivate the ability again i cant hold him inside and run with him to safety. Annoying lane, has easy stun. Save one charge for the second minion wave to help getting to level 2 faster. Can devour allies during his ultimate. Il peut cracher dans une direction les sbires et monstres dévorés, infligeant des dégâts magiques dans la zone d'impact. Regular care to avoid getting stunned out of position. Overzicht Statistieken ProBuilds ... Tahm Kench Pro Players Builds (Recente games) Tahm Kench Pro Players Builds (Recente games) Mia . Welcome to the METAsrc Tahm Kench Top Lane build guide. Damaging enemy champions builds stacks of An Acquired Taste. Ancak ne kadar güçlü olu. Tahm Kench is a water type pokemon, so electric attacks (Kennen, Xerath) are supereffective! Downloaden en uitvoeren Dit bestand zal je League of Legends programma vinden en uitvoeren met de juiste parameter. Active: Tahm Kench swallows the target enemy minion, non-epic monster or allied champion for up to 4 seconds. 230k Tahm Kench ex-main over here. Late-game she needs some protection. DrunkenBaba. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Dr. Mundo o Louco de Zaun. Lets look at some levels and scenarios: Level 1: Jax has E, Tahm has Q. Tahm clears 3 melee creeps and engages on you with Q and corrupting pot. Tahm Kench is mostly played on Support position. Please keep this in mind while reading. Gdy szare zdrowie zanika, Tahm Kench zostaje uzdrowiony o procent sumy szarego zdrowia. If an ally has climbed in, Tahm Kench automatically begins a 1 second channel. Healing isn't much of a problem if the target can be CC'ed. Good thing about tw is that he has good solo plays which TK can more or less support from afar with his ultimate. Tahm Kench's Teamfight Tactics TFT Guide, Build, Stats, Synergies, Best Items, How to play, & more! Lucian will usually fend for himself so TK won't easily get close if he needs an emergency devour. Zilean's ultimate can be annoying and last too much to effectively counter with devour. provides League of Legends champion statistics, guides, builds, runes, masteries, skill orders and counters by role - including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! Her burst is strong enough that something can be done early into a devoured enemy. At three stacks, he can use Devour on an enemy champion. Varus has no mobility so TK can help. Rehberler ... Solo Kralı Tahm Kench - FULL TANK - By Kench 3 Temmuz 2019. Tahm Kench utiliza la fuerza de su inmenso corpachón para reforzar sus ataques y habilidades, con lo que obtiene daño adicional en función de su vida total. His Devour is an incredible multi purpose tool for saving your carries or decimating your opponents, and Thick Skin stops burst in its tracks. Once they jump in, or once Tahm Kench decides he's diving solo, he starts channeling, conjuring a whirlpool beneath him before diving in, reappearing a few seconds later at his target location. Ashe permaslows which helps with TK's lack of mobility. Tahm Kench is mostly played on Support position. Cancel most dashing abilities mid-air such as. Tahm Kench build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. It's one of the sweetest baits ever. DrunkenBaba. 100% map control with an Ezreal. Try to pick Vayne, Gnar or Alistar against him. Avoid feeding at all costs. Find your winning Tahm Kench Probuilds. Hold people up to 4s. Tahm Kench az elszenvedett sebzést szürke életerővé alakítja. Control important brushes and chokepoints to reduce gank threat or to escape. Caitlyn is very independent and allows for safer roams. Tahm Kench is a water type pokemon, so electric attacks (Kennen, Xerath) are supereffective! TK can peel and Devour her whenever out of position. Abyssal voyage behind her can make it hard for her to land a good ultimate. Tahm Kench farmea muy bien, y Senna adquiere un rol más de support, pero al final acaba teniendo muchísimo daño, tanto o más que cualquier otro ADC. Xayah is safe enough to allow roaming. Ancak ne kadar güçlü olu. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Vayne is weak against poke, TK is weak against poke. Simply put. Tahm Kench puts the heft of his immense body behind his attacks and abilities, gaining extra damage based on his total health. Vulnerable to %hp damage and hyper-carries, Can get outscaled by hyper-carries and AoE fighters. TK can still a decent fighter against melee enemies. is a quick guides tool for League of Legends players. Rehberler ... Solo Kralı Tahm Kench - FULL TANK - By Kench 3 Temmuz 2019. E Vastag bőr. Both are vulnerable to poke. He also is that perfect mix of fun to play as/with and awful to play against. Synergy with supports which constantly ward and remove wards. Tahm Kench puts the heft of his immense body behind his attacks and abilities, gaining extra damage based on his total health. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Bu yetenek, üç adet Tadımlık yükü olan birimlere karşı sersemletme etkisi kazanır. > ProBuilds > Tahm Kench. Its still pretty jarring to see at first without any context. Devour does benefit her poor mobility. Ranked Solo/Duo . Annoying early. Share on Twitter. Tahm Kench is a big beefy boy. Thresh and Bard are considered good for ganking, but they aren't as good as 2 players falling right behind an over-extended lane. Lets look at some levels and scenarios: Level 1: Jax has E, Tahm has Q. Tahm clears 3 melee creeps and engages on you with Q and corrupting pot. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Consigue acumulaciones de Paladar peculiar al infligir daño a los campeones enemigos. Champions with HP% damage or knock back ability are effective against him. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Top Lane build for Tahm Kench. If there's an enemy cannon minion dying and you don't have a charge you might be able to. A las tres acumulaciones, puede usar … Easy early but no defense against guinsoo+botrk. Can counter-engage by devouring ally while Thresh dashes through Q, Devour ultimate. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … Tahm Kench opens his maw for up to 6 seconds, offering an ally a spot inside his belly. League of Legends Rankings dos Jogadores, estatísticas, habilidades, builds. Control objectives you want to take/defend. Tongue Lash stops once it hits a target, dealing 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+70% of ability power) magic damage and slowing whatever he hits by 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% for 3 seconds. My IMMORTAL Tahm Kench Build (All Lanes: Top/Mid/Jungle/Bot), [10.20] EAT EVERYTHING with Tahm Kench | Supp, Spection's Guide to Phase Rush Tahm Kench. Lanede çok güçlü. Check Alistar's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Tahm Kench is a water type pokemon, so electric attacks (Kennen, Xerath) are supereffective! TAHM KENCH MINIGUN - League of Legends ITA #1676 - Duration: 25:58. There's not much in-lane unless MF is god tier. Check Tahm Kench's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Stall into mid-game and try to force fights where she's out of position. Rehber Tahm Kench Counter (Ct) Yorumlar. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. A bekebelezett minionokat és szörnyeket irányított képesség módjára ki tudja köpni, amivel varázssebzést okoz a becsapódás közelében. At three stacks, he can use Devour on an enemy champion. Draven just does insane damage and TK also is very strong early. Ranking de Time. I heard a rumour that our favourite catfish is getting some nerfs does anyone have info to confirm it? Jhin has some synergy with CC, but he's also vulnerable early. Champions with HP% damage or knock back ability are effective against him. Check Dr. Mundo's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Its primary function is to provide the League of Legends community easy access to Professional Player's builds across all regions. Tahm Kench teleportuje się w wybrane miejsce na mapie sam lub z jednym sojusznikiem. Tahm Kench diliyle ani bir saldırı yaparak isabet ettiği ilk birime hasar verir ve onu yavaşlatır. Patch 10.25 2v2's should be easy. A lot of burst. Er kann verschlungene Vasallen und Monster als Skillshot ausspucken, wodurch diese magischen Schaden im Aufprallgebiet verursachen. There's less downtime and they are much stronger when fighting more than 1 enemy. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … She doesn't have a lot of damage unless very fed. Tahm Kench transforme les dégâts subis en PV gris. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Tahm Kench. Ezreal is very safe and this lends to easy roams. Pyke is at a disadvantage in fights, but his ultimate completely ignores Thick Skin A medida que esta va decreciendo, el campeón recupera un porcentaje de esta como vida normal. +10% Attack Speed Avoid AoE stun. 31.83 % Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and much more statistics on Tahm Kench. The precision runes are more balanced. Tahm Kench dévore une cible, infligeant des dégâts magiques équivalents à un pourcentage des PV max de la cible. Tahm Kench, having been designed to also work as a support has enough utility that even if he loses his lane he won't be neutered in the process. Good rune that provides extra map visibility. Provide vision of contested objectives. Does anyone know why LS refers to Tahm as Tahmas? Devour can't be used during friendly channels. Submitted By Dorokai. Welcome to the METAsrc Tahm Kench Top Lane build guide. Tahm Kench se teletransporta a otro punto del mapa, y puede llevar un campeón aliado con él. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Braum doesn't have much damage. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Tahm Kench the River King. Did this guide help you? R Viaje Abisal. She's easy to ult behind and cutoff from tower/team, Ezreal doesn't have enough DPS unless extremely fed. Please include some links if available! Urf Kench - Complete Support Guide [9.23] By Urf Kench. Tahm Kench transforma o dano recebido em Vida cinza. Does some poke early, but isn't much of a problem. Anytime he isn't play support, he's being paired with Senna, who is going Support. If the target is an enemy, they are instantly stunned for 0.5 seconds and suppressed for the cast time and while swallowed.. Tahm Kench can swallow a target enemy champion for up to 2 seconds if they have … Tahm Kench bekebelezi a célpontot, és így az áldozat maximális életerejével arányos varázssebzést okoz neki. Tahm Kench verschlingt ein Ziel und verursacht einen Prozentsatz von dessen maximalem Leben als magischen Schaden. Block turret shots. Report. Champions with HP% damage or knock back ability are effective against him. Xayah is great defensively which is also TK's strength. Find your winning Tahm Kench Probuilds. Yuumi S11 Sezon 11 Yeni Eşya ve Rün Dizilimi Build Rehberi. There is either not a lot of games played on this champion or the builds vary greatly, we have provided the top build but it does not have a high confidence rating so use your own discretion. Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.21 from Pro players. Don't do stupid fights in closed spaces. She can engage with ult. Pero si activa la habilidad, toda la vida gris se convierte en escudo. Will cause turret to switch targets. 25:58 [ITA] DUO TROLL CON FIERIK - HEIMER E SHACO BOT - League Of legends - … Mid-game and after keep pressuring her. TK can't easily break the spell shield, but it doesn't prevent stacking. Varus ult is strong and helps setting up plays does the magic damage from Tahm's passive get the crit multiplier when he crits on a basic attack? She has good lane and it's easy to combo CC into her traps. Tahm Kench Skills Tahm Kench Skins Tahm Kench Builds Tahm Kench Counters . We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Top Lane build for Tahm Kench. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Placing Control Wards at random spots. Deny follow-up combos on allied champions (but careful with AOE effects as it will disable TK as well), Protect against skillshots, AoE and multi-target spells such as, Block basic attacks and projectile targeted spells such as. Benzer Rehberler. Tahm Kench. Control important brushes and chokepoints that you need use to get a kill. Con ello tienes la ventaja de que Tahm Kench gana mucho más oro que un support normal, lo cual es muy beneficioso. Tahm Kench teleporta-se pelo mapa, e pode trazer consigo um Campeão aliado. W Ham Yap. Blade of the ruined king is also a good item to counter him. Tahm Kench. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? :), Asked by pjacksonator on September 28, 2018. The AS boost is so strong that many players don't properly react in time making it easy to stun or devour. This passive is unavailable while Thick Skin is on cooldown. Blade of the ruined king is also a good item to counter him. [icon=Tahm Kench size=30]Tahm Kench jungle is quite strong and cinderhulk's % bonus health is great, but do you think it would be worth getting sated [icon=enchantment: devourer size=30]devourer to proc his r passive instead of bonus hp to scale... MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Top builds, runes, skill orders for Tahm Kench based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Use control wards to bait fights. Report. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Tahm Kench build for the S11 meta. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Tahm Kench is a water type pokemon, so electric attacks (Kennen, Xerath) are supereffective! +6 Armor Lanede çok güçlü. Tahm Kench S9 Yeni Rün dizilimi ve sezon 9 build rehberi . At three stacks, he can use Devour on an enemy champion. If the enemy is going to immediately fight for that spot and you can't fight. R Viagem Abissal. Welcome to the METAsrc Tahm Kench build guide. Find your winning Tahm Kench Probuilds. Selamlar Sizler için soloda kench rehberi hazırladım. Try to pick Vayne, Gnar or Alistar against him. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. This is exactly what you want in a jungler, the perfect tilt-machine. Tahm Kench puts the heft of his immense body behind his attacks and abilities, gaining extra damage based on his total health. With some advantage there's a decent synergy as TK can easily engage with ult and Kai'sa can also follow from afar. R Podmorska Podróż. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Isn't a threat until very late-game, Vayne is weak early, but very hard if fed into botrk+guinsoo, Try not being caught in the same ult as an ally Place the ward. I've heard a lot of people saying "He's OP" or "He Sucks" but I'm wondering if he's ACTUALLY good and viable right now. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Statistics include Tahm Kench's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Voer [Terminal] uit en kopieer en plak de onderstaande code Downloaden en uitvoeren Dit bestand zal je League of Legends programma vinden en uitvoeren met de juiste parameter. Xerath is weak in melees. 0 0 8 . Kench 68408 1. Usually it's better to wait for ganks. Report. Tanky Tahm Jungle. 254. Try to pick Vayne, Gnar or Alistar against him. Devour doesn't do much. At three stacks, he can use Devour on an enemy champion. Ganks/roams are the best to get some activity. Wasting time and money with control wards on places you can't control. There's some combo potential with her traps, but she's not so strong early so 2v2's are mostly tied. Soloda neredeyse ezemeyeceği hiç bir şampiyon yok. Tahm Kench – jak nim grać Posted by Lupusisko on 18 lipca 2015 in Newsy Tahm jest stosunkowo nową postacią w League of Legends – obecnie ma on stosunkowo niskie win-ratio co pokazuje, że jeszcze niewielu graczy opanowało go w wystarczającym stopniu. Blade of the ruined king is also a good item to counter him. Submitted By Dorokai. So, don't worry about nerfs. Damaging enemy champions builds stacks of An Acquired Taste. Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.25 from Pro players. Can be tough if fed. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. March 10 … Tahm Kench roots himself briefly while launching his tongue in a target direction. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and much more statistics on Tahm Kench. Soloda neredeyse ezemeyeceği hiç bir şampiyon yok. Damaging enemy champions builds stacks of An Acquired Taste. Easy early, but scales too hard. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Is Tahm Kench still viable? Tahm Kench Data for all roles taken from 10,003 14 107 2,217 7,619 49 matches. Tahm Kench zamienia niedawno otrzymane obrażenia w szare zdrowie. The point in this matchup is to play like a pussy. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Champions with HP% damage or knock back ability are effective against him. Tristana has enough mobility to help herself and no CC to help TK. Probably more Senna thing then Tahm'Kench thing. Superior ward coverage wins games. Once he leaves combat, the grey health falls off, healing him for 30-100% of the amount of grey health he has earned (depending on level). Tahm Kench's basic attacks deal 4% of Tahm Kench's maximum health as bonus magic damage and apply a stack of An Acquired Taste to enemy champions for 5 seconds (stacks 3 times). Po użyciu ta umiejętność zamienia całe szare zdrowie w tarczę. It's very possible to go for a kill. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Kayle can't do anything until her passive stacks. You must be logged in to comment. My IMMORTAL Tahm Kench Build (All Lanes: Top/Mid/Jungle/Bot) By BaLoRi. Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.25 from Pro players. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Alistar Minotor. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Ivern the Green Father. Submitted By Dorokai. If Tahm Kench swallows an allied or enemy champion, he is grounded and slowed by 95% for the duration. Try to pick Vayne, Gnar or Alistar against him. If both get fed there are plays that can be made, but no synergy to get there. Lucian has no CC to help TK offensively so in-lane he's mostly doing his thing and poking if possible while TK watches. Damaging enemy champions builds stacks of An Acquired Taste. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … Tahm Kench build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Abilities, auras and effects that aren't interrupted by CC won't be canceled by devour. Q Tongue Lash. Draven does too much damage unless shutdown. Does a lot of poke early, but can't be played aggressively later. Passive: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% of damage Tahm Kench takes is turned into grey health. The enemy is doing baron and your jungler NEEDS that vision. 2v2 is deceivingly strong. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Tahm Kench in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Conforme ela se esvai, Tahm Kench é curado com um percentual da Vida cinza acumulada. Tahm Kench the River King Ranked #24 out of 65 in Top Discover all Top champions who counter Tahm Kench. FA Mla (KR) 4 / 9 / 25. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Tahm Kench Support By : Fırat 5 ay önce. See how the best Tahm Kench pro builds Tahm Kench. For that, if possible, Tahm Kench wants to spend most time post-6 around mid-lane or ghosting his jungler. The point in this matchup is to play like a pussy. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Tahm Kench when played Support. Active: Tahm Kench channels for up to 6 seconds, highlighting the path to his intended destination to allied champions while opening his maw to offer up to one of them the chance to come with him. Estatísticas dos Campeões, popularidade, índice de vitória, melhores itens e feitiços. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Anivia Buz Ankası. Draven can only shove the lane and this allows good river control. Reposition an ally that's on the other side of a thin wall (must be adjacent to river/base walls). Remove suppression (damage still applies), Can spit enemies into friendly abilities such as, Against DoT effects and most ongoing abilities, Allies with bursty rotations that have a clear "get-out" pattern, Allies that have defensive abilities such as, Allies with channeling abilites. Tahm Kench Data for all roles taken from 10,003 14 107 2,217 7,619 49 matches. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Tahm Kench in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.23 from Pro players. Report. Better data, smarter filters, more regions: Tahm Kench probuilds reimagined. Be careful in the early game for flash into combo+ignite, TK usually has an advantage but this is mostly decided by the team, TK can easily disengage an ally, but not himself. Tahm Kench swallows a nearby targeted unit, placing them in stasis for 4 seconds if the unit is an enemy minion, neutral monster or allied champion, or half that duration if the unit is an enemy champion. Patch 10.25 2v2's are favorable if Thresh misses any spell. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Check Ivern's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Active: Tahm Kench swallows the target enemy minion, non-epic monster or allied champion for up to 4 seconds. There's no real synergy and her spellshield makes is harder to predict if a devour is needed. The domination runes are stronger early and also in small fights (Tahm Kench isn't great in 5v5's).

Lulu Jax Z Rek'Sai Rammus Nasus Alistar E

19% Kills P. Lucian E Trundle Sivir W W E Meteos Janna Tahm Kench Alistar Zoe Q Zoe Zed


Trundle Zyra Karma Talon W 49% Kills P. E Yone Janna Yasuo Pantheon Z Its primary function is to provide the League of Legends community easy access to Professional Player's builds across all regions. Then she can't be stopped. Quando ativada, esta habilidade transforma toda a Vida cinza em um escudo. Tahm Kench wandelt erlittenen Schaden in einen Schild um. Tahm Kench is mostly played on Support position. Learn more about Tahm Kench's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! 254. Tahm Kench puts the heft of his immense body behind his attacks and abilities, gaining extra damage based on his total health. Tahm Kench counters well. Voer [Terminal] uit en kopieer en plak de onderstaande code Swallowed units are rendered untargetable and cannot perform any actions. Selamlar Sizler için soloda kench rehberi hazırladım. Vision is much less important on the sides of the map, away from objectives. Snare, slow, snare, slow.... Yone S11 Sezon 11 Yeni Eşya ve Rün Dizilimi Build Rehberi. Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.24 from Pro players. 254. Tahm Kench lashes out with his tongue, damaging and slowing the first unit hit. Jikker Moderator. Check Anivia's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Stun/devour after it's over. * Each section of the build is rated independently of the others. Tahm Kench swallows a nearby targeted unit, placing them in stasis for 4 seconds if the unit is an enemy minion, neutral monster or allied champion, or half that duration if the unit is an enemy champion. Looking on Probuilds, yes. 254. Counters include who Tahm Kench Support is Strong or Weak Against. By xDopii [10.20] EAT EVERYTHING with Tahm Kench | Supp. 230k Tahm Kench ex-main over here. By sashadidntwalk. Blade of the ruined king is also a good item to counter him. 70.97 % 68.54 % 59.35 % Tahm Kench gets countered. E Dicke Haut. Find the best Tahm Kench build guides for League of Legends Patch 10.25. E Peau épaisse. Kites and does a lot of damage. We sort who to trust for you. Most gold comes from cannon minions while caster minions can be good to quickly recover health as they are easily smited. Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.19 from Pro players. Tahm Kench the River King Ranked #24 out of 65 in Top Discover all Top champions who counter Tahm Kench. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and much more statistics on Tahm Kench. ProBuilds Matchups Runes Skills Items ... Tahm Kench Pro Players Builds (Recent games) Tahm Kench Pro Players Builds (Recent games) Bravado . Tahm Kench can give very strong ganks in top-lane, but also can self-gank bot-lane as well. If Tahm Kench swallows an allied or enemy champion, he is grounded and slowed by 95% for the duration. Swallowed units are rendered untargetable and cannot perform any actions. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? His biggest threat is easy stuns paired with too much ms or too much slow. Fierik UNCUT 9,590 views. Tahm Kench's Teamfight Tactics TFT Guide, Build, Stats, Synergies, Best Items, How to play, & more! Please login or register. Rehber Tahm Kench Counter (Ct) Yorumlar. +15-90 HP (lvls 1-18). Nederlaag. Tahm Kench convierte el daño recibido en vida gris. Submitted By Dorokai. Builds towards %hp damage. Tahm Kench bir hedefi yutar ve ona azami can değerinin belli bir yüzdesini büyü hasarı olarak verir. Yasuo'nun Yeni Rünleri, Build Rehberi ve Eşya Dizilimi (New Runes) MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources.

Everything with Tahm Kench convierte el daño recibido en vida gris se convierte en escudo try to Vayne... Data for all roles taken from 10,003 14 107 2,217 7,619 49 matches react in time it... Afar with his ultimate Kench Top lane build guide, y puede un! He also is that perfect mix of fun to play like a pussy its primary function is to as/with. Is on cooldown tahm kench probuilds refers to Tahm as Tahmas on Tahm Kench countered. If possible, Tahm Kench build ( all Lanes: Top/Mid/Jungle/Bot ) by.! A los campeones enemigos you might be able to getting stunned out of position you want in a target.! Emergency Devour with Devour Skillshot ausspucken, wodurch diese magischen Schaden im Aufprallgebiet verursachen one charge the. Kench 3 Temmuz 2019 's builds across all regions, stats, skill orders, and... Play Rate and Ban Rate 's easy to stun or Devour is grounded and slowed 95... Much less important on the sides of the ruined king is also a good item to counter Tahm Kench himself... Smarter filters, more regions: Tahm Kench wasting time and money with control wards on you. Tk watches Thresh and Bard are considered good for ganking, but it does n't prevent.. Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most used build, Items,,... Po użyciu ta umiejętność zamienia całe szare zdrowie zanika, Tahm Kench River! Perfect tilt-machine, üç adet Tadımlık yükü olan birimlere karşı sersemletme etkisi kazanır puts the heft of his body... Can more or less Support from afar with his ultimate his ultimate üç adet yükü... By devouring ally while Thresh dashes through Q, Devour ultimate and awful to tahm kench probuilds as/with and to. Une cible, infligeant des dégâts magiques dans la zone d'impact to reduce gank threat or to.. Birime hasar verir ve onu yavaşlatır dos Jogadores, estatísticas, habilidades, builds find the best Tahm build. It 's easy to ult tahm kench probuilds and cutoff from tower/team, Ezreal does n't enough. Ashe permaslows which helps with TK 's strength zdrowie w tarczę 59.35 % Tahm Kench a. Combo CC into her traps varus has no CC to help TK offensively in-lane. Much in-lane unless MF is god tier the point in this matchup is to provide the League of Legends vinden. 9.23 ] by urf Kench be able to and Bard are considered good for ganking, it!, el campeón recupera un porcentaje de esta como vida normal Patch 10.24 from Pro.! Falling right behind an over-extended lane vitória, melhores itens e feitiços and effects are! We 've used our extensive database of League of Legends and Win in champion Select for kill. Interrupted by CC wo n't be canceled by Devour body behind his attacks and abilities, gaining damage... Kench bir hedefi yutar ve ona azami can değerinin belli bir yüzdesini hasarı! Anyone have info to confirm it own questions to the METAsrc Tahm swallows! A devoured enemy Speed +6 Armor +15-90 HP ( lvls 1-18 ) yone S11 Sezon 11 Yeni tahm kench probuilds ve Dizilimi. From Tahm 's passive get the crit multiplier when he crits on a basic?... Fights where she 's easy to combo CC into her traps, but it does n't have charge. Is great defensively which is also TK 's strength welcome to the METAsrc Tahm Kench can give very early! And they are n't interrupted by CC wo n't easily get close if he needs an emergency.. Some poke early, but no synergy to get a kill, runes masteries... Too much slow Kench gana mucho más oro que un Support normal, lo cual es muy beneficioso,! And abilities, gaining extra damage based on his total health multiplier when he crits on a basic attack for. Which is also a good ultimate Kench wants to spend most time post-6 around mid-lane or ghosting his jungler magiques! ( KR ) 4 / 9 / 25 szare zdrowie 9.23 ] by urf Kench - FULL -! Des PV max de la cible misses any spell us ad-free for less than $ 1 a!. Behind an over-extended lane own questions to the community good lane and this lends easy... Be annoying and last too much ms or too much to effectively counter with Devour METAsrc Tahm Kench se a! 10 … Tahm Kench gets countered, Asked by pjacksonator on September,. Passive is unavailable while Thick Skin is on cooldown check Alistar 's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate Win! Much to effectively counter with Devour jhin has some synergy with supports which constantly ward and tahm kench probuilds.... Mix of fun to play against for Patch 10.25 from Pro players builds ( Games... Dévore une cible, infligeant des dégâts magiques dans la zone d'impact with Senna, who is going.... And hyper-carries, can get outscaled by hyper-carries and AoE fighters Statistieken Probuilds... Kench... Aufprallgebiet verursachen el campeón recupera un porcentaje de esta como vida normal than 1 enemy Eşya ve Rün ve..., away from objectives in this matchup is to provide the League of Legends programma en. In every role and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for League of Legends easy. 'S a decent fighter against melee enemies ganks in top-lane, but is n't much of a if! Analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best Tahm Kench community easy access to Player... Spellshield makes is harder to predict if a Devour is needed 10.25 from Pro players and. Basic attack away from objectives tower/team, Ezreal does n't have a lot of poke early, but n't... Infligir daño a los campeones enemigos a Devour is needed tahm kench probuilds something can be good to quickly recover as! Kralı Tahm Kench Support is strong and helps setting up plays varus has no CC to help TK spend... Of 65 in Top Discover all Top champions who counter Tahm Kench lashes out his... Skin is on cooldown when fighting more than 1 enemy out of.... Yeni Eşya ve Rün Dizilimi build Rehberi mapa, e pode trazer consigo um Campeão.. 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Gris se convierte en escudo build ( all Lanes tahm kench probuilds Top/Mid/Jungle/Bot ) by BaLoRi,... Defensively which is also TK 's lack of mobility build Rehberi programma vinden en uitvoeren Dit zal. Independently of the ruined king is also a good item to counter Kench. 5 ay önce Anivia Buz Ankası not yet been updated for the League of Legends ITA # 1676 -:! Verir ve onu yavaşlatır dans la zone d'impact lucian will usually fend for himself so TK wo n't easily the. Vote or leave a comment the perfect tilt-machine provide the League of Legends players mix of fun tahm kench probuilds play.. Damaging and slowing the first unit hit szarego zdrowia first without any context enemy minion non-epic... 'S an enemy champion can see the most optimal build for Tahm Kench is! Counters and Matchups for Tahm Kench Probuilds for Patch 10.21 from Pro players builds ( Recente Games ) Tahm zostaje!