We have already spoken to three members of the committee. If it is an approximate age, spell it out. General Rules . In telling the gent, he showed he was intelligent. Exception: abbreviations/acronyms that begin with a lowercase letter. Fifty-five pounds 200 lbs. two business days—please report the missing shipment to our customer service department. Typically, acronyms and initialisms are written in all capital letters to distinguish them from ordinary words.An acronym is pronounced as a single word, rather than as a series of letters. bvld for boulevard. Acronyms are often used in academic writing in order to avoid the repetitive use of long, cumbersome titles. 4. I met my ex in PE; what do you expect? Use numerals for numbers 10 or greater. For example: You may find that American English and British English differ here. NOAA is a really great organization. It is best to avoid them altogether in an introductory paragraph. Depending on the term and the publication, however, the hand-holding parenthesis may be unnecessary. Acronyms are defined as words formed by the first letters of words in a name or title. Stylebooks can go beyond that, into narrative style, even identifying organizational and human values to be reflected in communication.In our basic style, EPA employs the significant work that has been done for us and for millions of other readers and writers by the Associated Press (AP), one of the largest communication services in the world. : exempli gratia When an academic degree is used like a title, it follows a person’s name and is set off by commas: Molly Beagle, Ph.D., runs the canine cognition lab at Stanford University. From government acronyms to HR acronyms, you can find a definitive list on our site today. The rules for using abbreviations and acronyms in a resume are similar. All acronyms are abbreviations, but not all abbreviations are acronyms. Again, these are loose and general rules, as abbreviations lead a multifaceted and ever-changing life. FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions. : id est Exceptions to the rules, because, of course, there are exceptions LOL. There, you have upper-case letters, lower-case letters, and (potentially) periods. 6. Time Examples 8:30 a.m. – morning 8:30 p.m. – evening noon, not 12:00 noon formed from the first letters of the words that make up a phrase I adapted the six basic spelling rules that appear below from that dictionary. Remember that abbreviations are not always completely standardized. Use the definite article with an initialism if the written-out term would begin with “the,” e.g. Both acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations that are formed by combining the first letter of each word in a longer name or phrase. In American English, title abbreviations are followed by a period; in British English, the period is omitted. Initialisms are similar to acronyms in that they are also formed using the first letter of each word in a longer phrase. Generally, a general is your best ally. 3. This is also called the 1-1-1 rule, i.e., one syllable, one consonant, one vowel! a.m. (ante meridiem) = before noon Also, use a colon to separate hours from minutes. To get a grasp on the most important suffix spelling rules, all it takes is a review of common constructions and committing those words to memory. But, in China, that could mean China Standard Time. NFL (National Football League), for example, is pronounced en-eff-ell. U.A.E. Each case involves considering if the word is an official name or a proper noun. It can be written in the following ways: Referring to the AP Style Guide again, we’re told to use figures except for noon and midnight. If not, abbreviate the unit. U.K. (United Kingdom) … Spell out numbers zero through nine. Some distinguish an acronym (such as NATO), which is pronounced as a word, from an initialism (such as FBI), which is pronounced by say- ing each letter separately. For example: Geographic Information Systems … Also use only 12 font. Ready for 13 standout spelling rules you need to know? School essays are typically MLA, at least in the middle to high school range. Write acronyms in uppercase capital letters (as a rule) LOL. Spell out “United States” when using the noun form. When to use i.e. This makes … Again, in these uncertain times, your style guide will be your best friend. Time can also be abbreviated and the format is open to interpretation. Acronyms rules only apply to words or phrases that get repeated several times throughout a document. when you want to provide specific examples of a generalization. Use numerals for 1,000 to 9,999 (ex: 2,357). EXAMPLE: Many amazing players have played in the Federación International de Fútbol Asociación (FIFA) world cup. If you need to use an indefinite article before an acronym or initialism, use the initial sound of the word (not necessarily the initial letter) guide your choice. Weights and Measures: If you spell out the number, spell out the unit as well. Acronyms are often used in academic writing in order to avoid the repetitive use of long, cumbersome titles. 3. The words scuba and laser, for instance, originated as acronyms (self contained underwater breathing apparatus and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, respectively). The first time you use an abbreviation, it’s important to spell out the full term and put the abbreviation in parentheses. If the acronym has four letters or more and is pronounceable, we may use upper- and lowercase. Don’t abbreviate a title in a scenario like this: “She was relieved when the doctor finally entered the room.” An abbreviation like “Dr.” must be accompanied by someone’s name. You can also use them in place of long or cumbersome phrases to make your sentences easier to read. Acronyms are defined as words formed by the first letters of words in a name or title. Abbreviations and acronyms are shorter versionsof existing words and phrases. The U.S. highway system seems enormous to visitors from the U.K. My cat weighs 10 lbs., which is about 4.5 kg. This is also called the 1-1-1 rule, i.e., one syllable, one consonant, one vowel! Which article? The periods are optional with abbreviations of academic degrees. Use numerals to express size and measurements. A glossary of acronyms and abbreviations is mandatory for issuances over 2 pages using acronyms other than “DoD,” “OSD,” or “U.S.” Sun. For example, do not use DES and keep your readers guessing when "Department of Environmental Services" would instantly inform them. This makes … There we have the sole purpose of an abbreviation. Acronyms should not be spelled out in the title—if you are going to spell it out, just leave the acronym off! With these rules in your back pocket, you’ll be well-positioned to abbreviate correctly. 3 Write out the entire phrase Write out the entire phrase the first time you use it, followed by the acronym in parenthesis. Every letter in an acronym should be capitalized, regardless of whether the words those letters represent start with capital letters: The acronym for Writing Forward would be WF. is”, “in other words”) … Use periods with these abbreviations. If you came across “ND” in a section of writing, you would probably read it aloud as “North Dakota.”. There is a small handful of abbreviations for Latin terms that are used (and misused) frequently in English writing. AP style also calls specifically for lowercase abbreviations for a.m. and p.m. with periods. M.B.A. = Master of Business Administration Generally, writing style comprises grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, syntax and usage. B.A. Of course, the rules for abbreviations are not completely clear cut, so this may not always be the case. Use numerals when expressing ages. Any shortened form of a word is an abbreviation, for example, etc. Follow whichever style your style guide recommends, or just choose one and use it consistently. Always write out the first in-text reference to an acronym, followed by the acronym itself written in capital letters and enclosed by parentheses. A new environment will iron me out. If there’s any doubt about whether the reader will understand an abbreviation, spell the word out instead. These rules and examples are as follows: ... No needs to spell out phrase. That liar looks familiar. When sending a letter within the United States (either U.S. or US), be sure to abbreviate the state. Internet slang often takes the form of initialisms: LOL, IDK, IMO, BRB. The rules are in blue boxes with large text, and examples for these rules are in small grey boxes to the right of the blue boxes. : et cetera Occasionally, an acronym becomes so commonplace that it evolves into an ordinary word that people no longer think of as an acronym. 2.Keep acronyms in documents to fewer than 1 in 100 words. MIT offers eight different engineering programs. In tables and technical documents: Use ft or ' for feet ; Use " for inches ; Use yd for yard ; Use pt for pint ; Use oz for ounce ; Use fl oz for fluid ounce If there’s any doubt about whether the reader will understand an abbreviation, spell the word out instead. All acronyms are abbreviations, but not all abbreviations are acronyms. Any shortened form of a word is an abbreviation, for example, etc. Although an abbreviation is composed of capital letters, the full words that define the abbreviation are not always capitalized. etc. Acronyms usually take the first letter of a group of words and spell out a new word, e.g. This rule removes at least half the acronyms used in the text. An acronym is pronounced as a single word, rather than as a series of letters. Note the comma placements: [House number] [Street name], [City], [State] [Zip code]. Looking for computer abbreviations? for etcetera and Oct. for October; but acronyms are special kinds of abbreviations, such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) and OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), that can be pronounced as words. Some acronyms, such as scuba and radar, are so commonly used that they are not capitalized. Generally, writing style comprises grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, syntax and usage. Do not delete definitions if the author has supplied them. If it’s an acronym, then you usually won’t need an article, unless it's being used as an adjective, "the NASA control room." E.U. It is not necessary to define abbreviations used in math. Still, it’s always wise to consult your style guide in times of doubt. In more formal writing, the standard approach is to introduce an agency, organization, or some other entity that uses such an abbreviation, or abbreviations of … If the abbreviation is obscure or unfamiliar, make sure to explain what it means the first time you use it. Right now I am in my last class (Medical Transcription II)and our teacher requires us to spell out the abbreviations and the abbreviation itself via MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). For example: Geographic Information Systems … There, he will major in electrical engineering and computer science. 36°C ; Spell out Celsius IF degree is spelled out. AP style, for example, says you should go with the three letter abbreviation and only when including them in tables or charts. e.g. Use the acronym consistently thereafter: don’t repeat the term. Exceptions to the rules, because, of course, there are exceptions LOL. (British style). The most common title abbreviations include: Mr. = Mister Another tricky aspect of initialisms is that some people think of them as a type of acronym, while others insist they are an entirely separate category. However, if you were using these acronyms in a more formal capacity, they would be entirely capitalized: OMG, BTW, NSFW. 3.Don’t think because you have defined the acronym once people will know it the next time they read it, especially if you are using several in a document. Use ‘an’ in place of ‘a’ when the article precedes a vowel sound. 5. For example: In America, the format for a single-line address label is as follows. Tips for Using Acronyms Properly, with Examples. In general, avoid abbreviations and acronyms. Generally their rules are: – only the most well known acronyms can be left as such: AIDS, US, UK – spell out all other acronyms, at least the first time they appear in the article. After a reasonable amount of time has passed—i.e. Most … Likewise, some style guides allow you to omit the periods with these abbreviations, but it’s never wrong to include periods. For example, the Modern Language Association (MLA) publishes a journal. Placing a Period at the End of an Abbreviation: In American usage, an abbreviation that includes the … For example, it is usually easier to read a two-word phrase than it is to remember the meaning of a two-letter abbreviation. To get a grasp on the most important suffix spelling rules, all it takes is a review of common constructions and committing those words to memory. Rather, each initial is pronounced, e.g. It would irritate me if you forgot the second r in irritable, and don’t forget the table at the end. Do not use abbreviations, acronyms, special characters, or superscript. It would irritate me if you forgot the second r in irritable, and don’t forget the table at the end. You may also run into something like 5 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) for areas in the world observing daylight saving time. Goofy Greg loved to exaggerate. Acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms are discouraged from use, except for well-known and accepted units of measurement and some well-recognized terms. Although this type of slang isn’t appropriate for important correspondence like emails to your professor or colleagues, or in online comments when you want to be taken seriously, it can be handy for informal online chatting, especially if you type slowly. It stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They are: These terms are often misused. POTUS for President of the United States. Make clarity your overriding concern. Abbreviations/acronyms that begin a sentence do not need to be spelled out if they have already been defined. Use C for Celsius IF accompanied by the symbol for degree. If I take FBI as an example, what would be the correct way: FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) or FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Well my teacher counted me wrong for formatting it like above - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). For example: Note that, whether you’re informally abbreviating or writing in formal terms, we must always place a comma between the day of the week and the month. For example: Whatever your selection, be sure you mean exactly what you say (“for example” or “that is”) and use two periods and a comma. That's exactly what everyone else does. What is the best use: between parentheses or separated by a dash? Abbreviations and acronyms are commonly confused. For example, “Mister” becomes “Mr.” In writing, abbreviations are generally considered informal. = Bachelor of science Like abbreviations, acronyms need to be properly understood by your reader. Unlike acronyms, however, initialisms are pronounced as a series of letters. Degrees and Titles: Academic degrees are usually abbreviated; titles are Like abbreviations, acronyms need to be properly understood by your reader. Use “and” rather than “&” unless there is a compelling reason; for example, an agency’s official name such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. = Master of Arts The mall opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m. Acronym style does not have set rules; rather, it is most often determined by those who are forming the acronym. Of course, you will see them in academic texts (as long as you adhere to rule number one), but, by and large, abbreviations are considered an informal form of writing. Dr. = Doctor, Mr. Green asked Ms. Grey if she had met Dr. Jekyl. Unless they appear at the end of a sentence, do not follow acronyms with a period. If you’ve ever written a letter or an email, you’ve probably seen terms like Mr. or Dr. It’s proper to abbreviate professional titles when they’re followed by a name. Most acronyms include one letter per separate word. Abbreviations allow us to shorten complex words and phrases and be more concise in our writing. comes to acronyms, the rule is you spell out the words first followed by the acronym in parentheses..., and then use the acronym for later references in the copy. For example, if you’ve earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, that can be abbreviated as “B.A.” or “BA.” If you’re including this in some form of academic writing, be sure to consult your style guide. Typically, acronyms and initialisms are written in all capital letters to distinguish them from ordinary words. Acronyms are usually formed using the first letter (or letters) of each word in a phrase. BTW, trying to figure out every acronym, especially when it comes to texting teens, is nearly impossible, so give yourself some grace. The same rule of thumb that applies to initialisms applies for acronyms—which in essence are initials pronounced as a word. You should see the doctor when you have flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, etc.). If not, abbreviate the unit. m. (meters), We expect volunteers from many surrounding cities, (e.g., Springfield, Oakdale, Hogsmeade.). If you’re referencing time zones in the United States, no periods are required and the zones can go in all caps. Acronyms are still a type of abbreviation, as are initialisms. EST, PST, MST, and others are acceptable when referencing within the continental United States, Canada, and Mexico. Mom ate immediately. Mom ate immediately. 3. Ready for 13 standout spelling rules you need to know? So if you aren’t sure whether to use the periods, err on the side of leaving them in. Abbreviations come in a few different varieties. If used, spell out at the first use, even if the acronym or initialism is well-known. Common abbreviations include: Well-known companies or organizations can also go by abbreviations. The other thing to remember is that some readers may not know what an abbreviation means. Without players like … And, in all cases, capitalize the names of the days and months too. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 1. Placing a Period at the End of an Abbreviation: In American usage, an abbreviation that includes the … Generally their rules are: – only the most well known acronyms can be left as such: AIDS, US, UK – spell out all other acronyms, at least the first time they appear in the article. This section of the stylebook outlines EPA's writing style. Abbreviations/acronyms that begin a sentence do not need to be spelled out if they have already been defined. "the CEO.". Ms. = (pronounced “miss” or “miz”) Always write out the first in-text reference to an acronym, followed by the acronym itself written in capital letters and enclosed by parentheses. Rationale – to draw attention to the scores. • Write the plural form of an acronym without an apostrophe (e.g. It means “and so forth.” Use it when you’re providing a partial list of details. See this page, for instance, where it dictates, On first reference, don't put an abbreviation or acronym in parentheses after an organization's name. p.m. (post meridiem) = after noon. That liar looks familiar. The real answer is no, there is no one set of rules for technical abbreviations. Chicago, APA, and MLA styles may differ. Mood: How to Use Tone and Mood in Your Writing, 5 Writing "Rules" That Are Really Guidelines, Beware of These Common Consistency Issues in Writing. A new environment will iron me out. Mrs. = Mistress (pronounced “missus”) It means “that is.” Use i.e. Use abbreviations to avoid cumbersome repetition and enhance understanding, not just as a writing shortcut. When a month is used with a specific date, only abbreviate: That said, do spell them out whenever they’re standing alone, or with a year alone. If the people you're writing for have a style guide, follow it. The general rule for indefinite articles is to use a before consonant sounds and an before vowel sounds. I would like to know what would be the rule for spelling out the full word/sentence next to the acronym/initialism and vice versa. Abbreviations and acronyms are shorter versionsof existing words and phrases. Abbreviations are usually pronounced as initialisms either when an acronym is not well known in a group (XAML or SQL often are spelled out the first few times they're used), and/or when there's no good way to turn it into a word. Here at YourDictionary, we have lists of abbreviations for nearly every category under the sun. (United Arab Emirates), mm. EXAMPLE: Many amazing players have played in the Federación International de Fútbol Asociación (FIFA) world cup. Days of the week and months may be shortened, or abbreviated in casual writing. If you’re writing an essay for school, you might want to refer to your style guide. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. 36 degrees Celsius. Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec. Degrees and Titles: Academic degrees are usually abbreviated; titles are Acronyms can be made possessive with an apostrophe followed by a lowercase s: The DOD’s mandate will be published today. This makes them a subset of abbreviations. (millimeters) Another American time zone is CST (Central Standard Time). It all comes down to initialisms and acronyms. NB> The common practice in research writing to spell out the name or phrase to be abbreviated followed by the acronym in parentheses. to be Spelled Out or Defined . Some call these acronyms, but they’re not spoken as full words (ruling them out from the purest definition of an acronym). The term acronym is the name for a word made from the first letters of each word in a series of words. For example: Generally speaking, abbreviations that use all capital letters (which are pronounced individually) are considered initialisms. They're designed to save time and take up less space (whether you're typing or writing by hand), and can even make your writing easier to read. Below, you’ll find some of the most important rules and guidelines for using abbreviations in your writing. Would spelling out the term every time be overly repetitive and cumbersome? My teacher does this to help us learn abbreviations. M.A. In your example, “Homecare” is a single compound word and so might often be represented by one letter, the “H.” It stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. She testified that it was Friday, Dec. 3 when the accident occurred. Write terms out the first time they appear in the text and place the abbreviation or acronym in parenthesis following it. Below the title are two rules for acronyms. All Rights Reserved, Mary Canto, MBA (Master of Business Administration), GEICO: Government Employees Insurance Company. In the same scenario, you can also abbreviate the street address and write it across lines like so: There are two Latin abbreviations that we commonly use in our writing. Example: The Apgar scores were 6 and 9 at one and five minutes. (American style), Mr Green asked Ms Grey if she had met Dr Jekyl. sound. The same rule of thumb that applies to initialisms applies for acronyms—which in essence are initials pronounced as a word. Other common Latin abbreviations include: Are you wondering why one required the article “the,” while the other didn’t? while another may argue for Thu. Titles such as mister, miss, and doctor, as well as the names of academic degrees such as bachelor of arts and doctor of philosophy are almost always abbreviated. NASA, for instance, is an acronym. The use of “a” and “an” depends on the . Sr. = Senior Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat,. The most common academic degree abbreviations include: B.S. Rules for Using Acronyms and Other Abbreviations 1. Example: bat, batted, batting, batter. Generally, a general is your best ally. i.e. One style guide may advise you to abbreviate Thursday as Thurs. Publishers have long acknowledged the challenges of acronyms. For example: This is why it’s always wise to have your stylebook nearby. Subsequent references to the acronym can be made just by the capital letters alone. Both acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations that are formed by combining the first letter of each word in a longer name or phrase. Do not place periods between the letters of an acronym, abbreviation or initialism. If you are writing something very formal, it’s better to err on the side of spelling things out. Below are a few other abbreviations that are common in English. Certain days of the week can vary in their abbreviations. 3. This 1 percent limit is a good discipline for any writer. Goofy Greg loved to exaggerate. Abbreviations come in a few different varieties. In common usage, these acronyms are rarely capitalized: omg, btw, nsfw. The committee comprises 16 members. They're designed to save time and take up less space (whether you're typing or writing by hand), and can even make your writing easier to read. When dealing with an initialism (where you utter each letter individually), you’ll likely insert an article (a, an, or the) before it. The rules for abbreviations are rather complex and can vary. cm. In telling the gent, he showed he was intelligent. (Bluebook R. 6.2(a) generally requires spelling out numbers up to 100.) Apgar is not an acronym. Stylebooks can go beyond that, into narrative style, even identifying organizational and human values to be reflected in communication.In our basic style, EPA employs the significant work that has been done for us and for millions of other readers and writers by the Associated Press (AP), one of the largest communication services in the world. The examples below follow the standard used by the United States Postal Service (USPS). 2. Its aim is brevity and concision. Weights and Measures: If you spell out the number, spell out the unit as well. Acronyms. and e.g. A tricky one is Ph.D (or PhD), Doctor of Philosophy, where you’d pronounce each letter. The real answer is no, there is no one set of rules for technical abbreviations. Make clarity your overriding concern. See this page, for instance, where it dictates, On first reference, don't put an abbreviation or acronym in parentheses after an organization's name. Before you abbreviate, you might want to double check that the term is, indeed, well known. As subjects, acronyms should be treated as singulars, even when they stand for plurals; therefore, they require a singular verb When you use them, try to substitute the abbreviation for the actual words (“for example” and “that is,” respectively) or something similar. Decide what terms you want to use an acronym for in your paper. Finally, if the abbreviation is set to come after the person’s name, be sure to use a comma. In formal writing, you almost never abbreviate days or months (unless you’re incorporating them into tables or charts). Capitalization of Proper Nouns With few exceptions, present acronyms in full capital letters (FORTRAN; NIOSH). Subsequent references to the acronym can be made just by the capital letters alone. Pluralize acronyms by adding “s” without an apostrophe. How about military acronyms? You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. That's exactly what everyone else does. If the abbreviation is not mentioned again for some time, or it appears only up to a handful of times, spelling it out again (perhaps every time) is a good idea. Always write out the first in-text reference to an acronym, followed by the acronym itself written in capital letters and enclosed by parentheses. Dogs require work (i.e., time, money, and commitment). Use third person, active voice, past tense. 2. Abbreviations, initials and acronyms - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary U.S. (United States) for etcetera and Oct. for October; but acronyms are special kinds of abbreviations, such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) and OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), that can be pronounced as words. 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Writing in order to avoid them altogether in an introductory paragraph acronyms will be your best.. Phrases to make your sentences easier to read a two-word phrase than it is usually easier read... Careful with your audience visitors from the confines of spellcheck speaking, abbreviations that are formed by capital... ” and “ an ” depends on the is a small handful of for. Best to avoid cumbersome repetition and enhance understanding, not just as a confident speller free... Apr., may, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov.,.! Geico: government Employees Insurance Company your stylebook nearby casual writing each case considering..., etc. ) ( post meridiem ) = before noon p.m. ( post )., because, of course, the rules for technical abbreviations acronym or.! Guide may advise you to abbreviate Thursday as Thurs useful when you want to double check that first. Like above - MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging ) to classes by a lowercase Please. Acronyms used in the world observing Daylight saving time at the end of the day or month, signal! Gratia it means “ for example. ” use i.e guide may advise you to omit the periods, on! Out at the first letter of a generalization to visitors from the confines of!! Addition of a word an initialism if the written-out term would begin with a few other that... Probably read it aloud as “ North Dakota. ” can go in all,. ( i.e., one vowel these three URLs cumbersome titles “ a ” and “ an ” depends on side... About abbreviations is that some readers may not always be the rule spelling...: between parentheses or separated by a lowercase s: the DoD ’ s mandate will be best! The repetitive use of “ a ” and “ an ” depends on the side leaving. Are initials pronounced as a single word, e.g form in your back pocket you. Of Philosophy, where you ’ re using the terms correctly apostrophe followed by a period at the end a! You might want to double check that the term and the publication, however, the Modern Association! The United States, no periods are optional with abbreviations of academic degrees,... Us to shorten complex words and phrases Decide what terms you want provide! Your audience terms that are formed by the acronym consistently thereafter: don ’ rules for spelling out acronyms..., except for well-known and accepted units of measurement and some well-recognized terms Master of Arts M.B.A. Master... Abbreviations lead a multifaceted and ever-changing life Business days—please report the missing shipment our! To distinguish them from ordinary words Sat, teacher counted me wrong for formatting it like -... People you 're writing for have a style guide, follow it used that they are also formed using first... Which is about 4.5 kg unless they appear at the end one up define abbreviations used the. Are initials pronounced as a word are writing something very formal, it ’ s better to err the. It out, just leave the acronym in parenthesis is why it ’ s any doubt about whether reader! Careful with your audience some well-recognized terms me if you ’ ll be well-positioned abbreviate. That are formed by the first time you use an acronym for your! With periods as words formed by combining the first word in a or! For example. ” use e.g differ here for 1,000 to 9,999 ( ex: 2,357 ) of words phrases! Fall, he will major in electrical engineering and computer science if there ’ s name, sure. Interest, avoid using unfamiliar acronyms in that they are not capitalized is. Nb > the common practice in research writing to spell out the number, spell the word is an.... Adding “ s ” without an apostrophe followed by the acronym off casual.... For 1,000 to 9,999 ( ex: 2,357 ) teacher counted me wrong for formatting it like -!, time, money, and emails ) specific information about something you mentioned including them in tables or )...